A news story on Mobile Entertainment today has revealed that 99 per cent of mobile malware attacks are aimed at the Android platform. It’s no surprise to see Google’s open source OS an easier target for malware violations but what is also surprising is the lack of concern from Android users: 40 per cent of smartphone and 42 percent of tablets users fail to take action to prevent attacks, according to research from Kaspersky Lab.
Mobile malware comes in many guises including malicious apps waiting for unsuspecting users to download them. And this strain of malware is growing at a rapid rate: last year, Kaspersky Lab discovered 35,000 malicious apps; in the first half of 2013 47,000 have already been detected.
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We know that Apple and its trusty iPhone transformed the smartphone landscape and created an unrivalled app ecosystem but have you ever wondered what goes behind making one of the most popular phones in the world? The sprawling infographic below, commissioned by FinancesOnline.com, goes into some detail about the iPhone’s supply chain, the cost of making one of the iconic gadgets on the planet and the widgets and electronics fitted under the bonnet to make it purr. It makes for a very interesting and occasionally eye-opening read.
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For app developers choosing the right pricing/revenue model is a key factor in the success of their app. We have rigourously debated the relative advantages and disadvantages of the different models – paid for free with ad support and freemium – in previous blogs but the newest debate centres on the end of paid for apps.
Tech Crunch’s insightful article on this subject shows this isn’t a clear cut argument as you may expect. The stats from Flurry research shows the move toward free is getting larger: from 2010 to 2012 the proportion of free apps on the Apple App Store grew from 80% to 84%. In 2013 this had reached 90%. The interesting discovery from this research was that app developers shifted towards the free pricing model not through peer pressure but by experimenting with different streams to find the model that suited their app.
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The App Show returns again for another edition just in time for a couple of news stories that could make big changes to the mobile industry.
The first is, of course, the launch of the iPhone 5C and 5S by Apple. While it may have sold 9 million of them in under a week, Keith Andrew; Editor in Chief at Pocket Gamer Biz, talked us through his concerns with Apple’s latest devices and about his belief that it may be the end of their innovation leadership.
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It’s time again for another App Show and we managed to escape the confines of Cambridge again to head out to Cologne for GDC Europe. There we caught up with a number of interesting people from the apps industry showing off their wares.
We had Anders Jepsen from Blackberry explaining to us why Blackberry OS should be considered by developers, even with the company’s difficulties. Alistair Aitcheson, an indie guru and developer of Greedy Bankers, chatted to us about multiplayer tablet games. And Andrew Smith of Appy Nation talked to us about the reboot of legendary App Store game Transport Tycoon.
But that wasn’t all we found out about on this month’s show. We chatted to Richard Bates of Kick it Out! who talked to us about how the anti-racism organisation is hoping that cloud based apps will help fans to report racist abuse.
And, of course, we had time for the mainstays of The App Show: all the news from the app world this month, reviews from our resident critic Beth about the best apps for Summer and the all important Free App Magic Chart.
Check the show out at 9pm tonight on http://www.star107.co.uk/resources/radioplayer/ or catch up with the podcast tomorrow http://bit.ly/msappshow
MagicSolver, the app discovery and user acquisition specialists, have been named one of Mobile Entertainment’s Top 50 Mobile Innovators in the UK for 2013.
The ME Top 50 has been going for three years and recognises excellence within a number of mobile specific sectors. MagicSolver has been recognised for its continued success in the Apps sphere after it amassed more than 30 million downloads for its portfolio of mobile app discovery platforms.
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The MagicSolver sales team are in Cologne this week at GDC Europe and GamesCom, ready to provide you with great advice on boosting your app downloads.
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A week after we celebrated the 4th birthday of MagicSolver in our offices, Apple were celebrating the 5th birthday of the App Store and a load of developers decided to join the party by making their apps free for the celebration.
So with our team obviously loving fantastic free apps, we felt obliged to share the best of the bunch with all of the people who use FreeAppMagic on iOS. And, according to our download numbers, the three apps below came out as the most popular. Check them out!
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When two Cambridge University students created MagicSolver on the 9th of July 2009, we never imagined we would last that or that we would get as much success and recognition from our fans across the world.
So we’re proud to celebrate our 4th anniversary in charge of a company creating the best apps for iPhone, iPad and Android for our 30 million users in over 120 countries.
The tens of thousands of positive emails, reviews and feedback from our users has been our best reward, helping our team of 20 talented app Magicians feel proud to be selecting the best apps every day for you in both http://www.freeappmagic.com/ and for our renowned seasonal calendars.
We’re also glad to have worked with a number of fantastic partners, from the best indie developers looking to get their apps discovered through to the top gaming companies and the best digital advertising agencies.
So thanks again to our 30 million users, the 600 talented apps developers we have selected apps from and all the Magicians on our team who have helped to make this all possible.
Emmanuel Carraud & Oliver Lamming