
Some people embrace the most romantic day of the year while others struggle under the pressure of trying to pull out all the stops to make Valentine’s Day memorable. If you’re one of the latter always scrambling around to come up with a big romantic gesture then you should check out the three apps below to give you some last minute ideas.
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With only two days until the most romantic day of the year everyone should be getting in the mood for a little romancing. At MagicSolver, we got the love bug early, taking an arrow from Eros on the 7th Feb when we released our app Valentine’s Day 2014: 7 free gifts to fall in love with. Free on iOS and Android this app offers a new app surprise, for gratis, every day from 7th February until the big day.
Users have already been enjoying the daily gifts and even if you’re late to our app you can still retrospectively download the apps our crack editorial team have chosen for Valentine’s week. So far iOS users have enjoyed the likes of addictive match-three game Jelly Splash, Pokemon-inspired game Battle Camp and the Postcard app that lets you send a physical postcard to your favourite Valentine from your phone.
Those using Android have been falling in love with the Cupid-style scroller Daemon Amor, retro playground love game MASH Valentine and the platform adventure game Amy in Love. So make sure you don’t miss out on the free app countdown to Valentine’s Day. XX

It’s nearly time for the arrival of the most romantic day of the year and what better way is there to count down than with MagicSolver’s newest app: Valentine’s Day 2014: 7 free gifts to fall in love with.
Counting down to Valentine’s Day from the 8th February, users of the app will receive a number of free surprises every day they return to the app.
With a free mini-game to play, a romantic free gift to discover and some exclusive romantic wallpapers to unlock, Valentine’s Day 2014 is packed full of content that you’re bound to love at first sight.
Download the app now on iOS and Android and see how quickly you fall in love with this app!

App analytic and market intelligence specialist, App Annie released its 2013 retrospective report on the key trends from last year and it reveals some major shifts in terms of download market share and emerging app markets. Definitely take time to download the free report and read it. You can get it here.
In the meantime, here are the potted highlights: Read the rest of this entry »
Once upon a time there was only one mobile eco-system worth developing apps for: iOS. Why? Because that was where the money was. It was generally accepted that the only place that people would pay for apps was the Apple App Store.
Not any more. A recent article in the Financial Times (free subscription required) suggests that, whilst the revenue generated from the top 200 apps on the Apple App store has risen from $15 million per month to $18 million, the Google Play store has seen an astonishing growth from $3.5 million to $12 million. And this does not include regions where the Google Play store is unavailable and where third party app stores might bolster this number even more. Read the rest of this entry »

We can officially start getting excited about Christmas! Well we can from this Saturday, 30th November, when our annual Advent 2013, 25 Christmas Apps app launches. This year’s iOS and Android app is even bigger and better. Users still get to discover and download a new, free, top quality app everyday until 25th December but this time we’ve cranked up the production values and fun quota on the mini games.
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A news story on Mobile Entertainment today has revealed that 99 per cent of mobile malware attacks are aimed at the Android platform. It’s no surprise to see Google’s open source OS an easier target for malware violations but what is also surprising is the lack of concern from Android users: 40 per cent of smartphone and 42 percent of tablets users fail to take action to prevent attacks, according to research from Kaspersky Lab.
Mobile malware comes in many guises including malicious apps waiting for unsuspecting users to download them. And this strain of malware is growing at a rapid rate: last year, Kaspersky Lab discovered 35,000 malicious apps; in the first half of 2013 47,000 have already been detected.
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Regular readers of our blog will know we have a thing for infographics but we’re not sure we have seen one quite as exhaustive as this design from Super Monitoring. The website and server monitoring specialists have outdone the infographic world with their creative on the State of Mobile 2013.
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Get ready for October 31st with our brand new app Halloween 13: Daily Spooky Surprises, which launches on October 19th.
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Windows Phone: Nothing to see here
Apps come in so many shapes and sizes that it’s really hard to actually imagine how many of them exist. When you hear that Google Play has over a million apps and iOS just under the same mark, it’s such a big number that you can feel blase about what that means in terms of what’s on offer. That is, until, you get your hands on your first Windows Phone device.
The OS remains, despite strong support from Microsoft and Nokia, weakly stocked when it comes to apps. Even though it has hit the 160,000 app mark, a number of products that would be staggering if all were stacked up in a bookshop say, there remain some glaring weak spots in the App Store which really holds the whole system back.
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